Is your player constantly overthinking? Do they immediately lose confidence after a mistake?

Are they always talking about how they want to communicate better or be more confident going into 1v1s?

Parents, wouldn't it be great to FINALLY get some helpful advice on HOW to actually help your soccer player move past these obstacles?

Method & Disclaimer

The method: Each lesson uses the Mental Skills Toolkit to help guide players through the process of understanding, reframing and overcoming some of the most common mental hang-ups that players experience on the soccer field. While there can be many reasons soccer players may struggle with these specific challenges (including technical, tactical or physical components) these mini courses focus on the MENTAL aspect only. 

All content in these courses is my opinion and is based on what I have seen work firsthand with players on the field. The content is a combination of what I have learned from working directly with players both on the field and in a 1-on-1 environment, in addition to my ongoing education in the mental skills space.

Everything expressed here is my way of approaching these problems and how I would teach the content to players in a 1-on-1 setting. None of this information or these methods are either right or wrong, they are simply my opinion and way of approaching the problem based off of what I have seen work.

It is likely that there are pieces of this content that you will really like and resonate with, and other pieces that you will not. That is OK! My main objective is to get you thinking about things differently so that you can find what works for YOU. If how you get past the mental hang-up ends up looking different than what I talked about in this mini course series, AWESOME! It if looks exactly the same, AWESOME! All I want is to help you be able to HELP YOURSELF. With this yes, but also in the future with whatever adversity comes your way.

Disclaimer: I am not a sports psychologist or medical professional and the information presented in Overcoming Mental Hang-ups, the Mental Skills Toolkit mini course series, is for informational purposes ONLY. I am not responsible for any actions taken or results derived from following anything read or viewed on or in the course. Full disclaimer here.

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